Ageism in the time of COVID-19

“Ageism and COVID-19 – thoughts on the abuse of older adults in times of COVID-19 pandemic”
Check out the full story published by the University of Eastern Finland on the news section of their website.

Itä-Suomen yliopisto

Kuopio - Finland

University of Namibia

Windhoek - Namibia

Our Task

In partnership with the University of Eastern Finland and University of Namibia, our task was to produce a short documentary that captures the perspectives of social work scholars, professionals, and elderly individuals in both Namibia and Finland. This film explored the obstacles faced in providing health and social care to older populations and examined the role of ageism as a driving force behind discrimination, mistreatment, and suppression during the COVID-19 pandemic. This project stands in support of the human rights of older individuals.